Not alone,



All partners

The main partners of Gutsy Go are cities and schools. The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim and individual researchers are involved as research partners.

Operations are financed by major Finnish foundations, cities and businesses as part of their social responsibility programmes. In 2020 the Parliament of Finland began financing Gutsy Go scaling instruments with a view to making the approach available to thousands of young people and hundreds of schools in coming years. Other Gutsy Go specialists and partners in Finland include the Ministry of Justice, the Central Association for Mental Health MTKL, the police, the Youth Research Society and the Finnish Red Cross. The Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle and the Finnkino cinema chain have served as media partners.

We thank you for your support!

Gutsy Go has won the European Crime Prevention Award (ECPA) for its work in the Forssa community mediation model, the Master of Substance Abuse Prevention Prize, and Yle Shortland Media Awards on four occasions.

Väinö Tanner Foundation

The Confederation of Finnish Industry and Employers (TT) Foundation

University of Helsinki Research Foundation

MLL Research Foundation